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AFC Apostles Advisory Logo 2021.png

“Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they watch for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.”  


AFC Apostles Advisory Logo 2021.png

The Purpose Of The Apostle's Advisory Committee

The Apostle’s Advisory Committee is a group of men and women who are united to help the Executive Branch assure that all of “The Embassy’s” services flow smoother. Some of the responsibilities include, but are not limited to: (1) Preparation for the Consecration and Installation of new Pastors; (2) The dignified execution of Home-Going Celebrations for deceased Leaders; (3) Assisting the Presiding Apostle in the orderly conduction of Annual Holy Conference ceremonial occasions, as well as, (4) Performing any other duty that the Presiding Apostle may assign.

Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries, Inc. has made choice of the terms “Advisory” or “Advisor(s)” to describe this ministry. It is important that the Lead Advisor and all others know and understand that The Apostle’s Advisory Committee is the property of the Presiding Apostle and is a part of the Executive Branch. The Committee exists to carry out his/her wishes.

The Presiding Apostle has charged “The Apostle’s Advisory Committee” with the sacred task of standardizing the fundamentals of our Ceremonial Services and Protocol customs. The Presiding Apostle Alfred Lee Moore Jr. – as The Embassy continues to expand organizationally and as he developed its ceremonial standards and circumstance – has a strong need for men and women who will serve, set up and assist in these ceremonies to fulfill the worship of our great Church Ministry (The Embassy) as a whole– Ambassadors For Christ Of The Living God Ministries, Inc./Affiliated Church Ministries.

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